
Plotting methods.

This module contains various plotting methods. There are two types of plotting methods: the Primitives and the Composites. The Primitives are the most basic and offer simple, single-plot representations. The Composites are composed of several primitives and offer more complex representations.

The primitive plots are those whose name begin with ax_, (e.g. ax_scalp).

In order to get more reasonable defaults for colors etc. you can call the modules beautify() method:

from wyrm import plot


This module needs heavy reworking! We have yet to find a consistent way to handle primitive and composite plots, deal with the fact that some plots just manipulate axes, while others operate on figures and have to decide on which layer of matplotlib we want to deal with (i.e. pyplot, artist or even pylab).

The API of this module will change and you should not rely on any method here.


ax_colorbar(vmin, vmax[, ax, label, ticks]) Draw a color bar
ax_scalp(v, channels[, ax, annotate, vmin, vmax]) Draw a scalp plot.
beautify() Set reasonable defaults matplotlib.
calc_centered_grid(cols_list[, hpad, vpad]) Calculates a centered grid of Rectangles and their positions.
get_channelpos(channame) Return the x/y position of a channel.
plot_channels(dat[, chanaxis, otheraxis]) Plot all channels for a continuous.
plot_scalp(v, channels[, levels, norm, ...]) Plots the values ‘v’ for channels ‘channels’ on a scalp.
plot_scalp_ti(v, channels, data, interval[, ...]) Plots a scalp with channels on top
plot_spatio_temporal_r2_values(dat) Calculate the signed r^2 values and plot them in a heatmap.
plot_spectrogram(spectrogram, freqs)
plot_tenten(data[, highlights, hcolors, ...]) Plots channels on a grid system.
plot_timeinterval(data[, r_square, ...]) Plots a simple time interval.
set_highlights(highlights[, hcolors, set_axes]) Sets highlights in form of vertical boxes to axes.


ColorbarBase(ax[, cmap, norm, alpha, ...]) Draw a colorbar in an existing axes.
Data(data, axes, names, units) Generic, self-describing data container.
Normalize([vmin, vmax, clip]) A class which, when called, can normalize data into the [0.0, 1.0] interval.
Rectangle(xy, width, height[, angle]) Draw a rectangle with lower left at xy = (x, y) with specified width and height.

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