wyrm package


wyrm.io module

Various input/output methods.

This module provides methods for loading and saving data from- and into various formats.

class wyrm.io.PyffComm(host='localhost', port=12345)[source]

Bases: object

Pyff communication object.

This class allows for communication with a running Pyff [R1] instance. It uses the json protocol, so you have to start Pyff with the --protocol=json parameter.

Receiving data from Pyff (i.e. the available feedbacks and variables) is not supported for now.


[R1](1, 2) Bastian Venthur, Simon Scholler, John Williamson, Sven Dähne, Matthias S Treder, Maria T Kramarek, Klaus-Robert Müller and Benjamin Blankertz. Pyff—A Pythonic Framework for Feedback Applications and Stimulus Presentation in Neuroscience. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2010. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2010.00179.


This is an example session, demonstrating how to load a feedback application, set a variable, start it, quit it and closing Pyff in the end.

>>> pyff = PyffComm()
>>> pyff.send_init('TrivialPong')
>>> pyff.set_variables({'FPS': 30})
>>> pyff.play()
>>> pyff.quit()
>>> pyff.quit_pyff()

Pause the feedback.


Start the feedback.


Quit the feedback.


Quit Pyff.


Send a control signal to the running feedback.

This method is used to send events to the feedback like a new classifier output.


variables : dict

the keys are the variable names and the values the values. Those variables sent by the control signal are not set directly in the feedback. If you want this behave use set_variables()


Load a Feedback.

This method sends Pyff the send_init(feedback) command which loads a feedback.


fb : string

The name of the feedback.

send_interaction_signal(cmd, data=None)[source]

Send interaction signal to Pyff.


This method is used internally to send low level JSON messages to Pyff. You should not use this method directly.


cmd : str

data : dict


Set internal variables in the feedback.

Use this method to create or modify instance variables of the currently running feedback.


variables : dict

The variable names are the keys, the values are the values of the variables.


Stop the feedback.

wyrm.io.convert_mushu_data(data, markers, fs, channels)[source]

Convert mushu data into wyrm’s Data format.

This convenience method creates a continuous Data object from the parameters given. The timeaxis always starts from zero and its values are calculated from the sampling frequency fs and the length of data. The names and units attributes are filled with default vaules.


data : 2d array

an 2 dimensional numpy array with the axes: (time, channel)

markers : list of tuples: (float, str)

a list of markers. Each element is a tuple of timestamp and string. The timestamp is the time in ms relative to the onset of the block of data. Note that negative values are allowed as well as values bigger than the length of the block of data returned. That is to be interpreted as a marker from the last block and a marker for a future block respectively.

fs : float

the sampling frequency, this number is used to calculate the timeaxis for the data

channels : list or 1d array of strings

the channel names


cnt : continuous Data object




Assuming that amp is an Amplifier instance from libmushu, already configured but not started yet:

>>> amp_fs = amp.get_sampling_frequency()
>>> amp_channels = amp.get_channels()
>>> amp.start()
>>> while True:
...     data, markers = amp.get_data()
...     cnt = convert_mushu_data(data, markers, amp_fs, amp_channels)
...     # some more code
>>> amp.stop()

Load a Data object from a file.


filename : str

the file to load the data from


dat : Data

the data loaded from the file

See also



>>> io.save(dat, 'foo.npy')
>>> dat2 = io.load('foo.npy')

Load the BCI Competition III Data Set 1.

This method loads the data set and converts it into Wyrm’s Data format. Before you use it, you have to download the training- and test data in Matlab format and unpack it into a directory.


If you need the true labels of the test sets, you’ll have to download them separately from http://bbci.de/competition/iii/results/index.html#labels


dirname : str

the directory where the Competition_train.mat and Competition_test.mat are located


epo_train, epo_test : epoched Data objects


>>> epo_test, epo_train = load_bcicomp3_ds1('/home/foo/bcicomp3_dataset1/')

Load the BCI Competition III Data Set 2.

This method loads the data set and converts it into Wyrm’s Data format. Before you use it, you have to download the data set in Matlab format and unpack it. The directory with the extracted files must contain the Subject_*.mat- and the eloc64.txt files.


If you need the true labels of the test sets, you’ll have to download them separately from http://bbci.de/competition/iii/results/index.html#labels


filename : str

The path to the matlab file to load


cnt : continuous Data object


>>> dat = load_bcicomp3_ds2('/home/foo/data/Subject_A_Train.mat')

Load Brain Vision data from a file.

This methods loads the continuous EEG data, and returns a Data object of continuous data [time, channel], along with the markers and the sampling frequency. The EEG data is returned in micro Volt.


vhdr : str

Path to a VHDR file


dat : Data

Continuous Data with the additional attributes .fs for the sampling frequency and .marker for a list of markers. Each marker is a tuple of (time in ms, marker).


AssertionError :

If one of the consistency checks fails


>>> dat = load_brain_vision_data('path/to/vhdr')
>>> dat.fs
>>> dat.data.shape
(54628, 61)

Load saved EEG data in Mushu’s format.

This method loads saved data in Mushu’s format and returns a continuous Data object.


meta : str

Path to .meta file. A Mushu recording consists of three different files: .eeg, .marker, and .meta.


dat : Data

Continuous Data object


>>> dat = load_mushu_data('testrecording.meta')
wyrm.io.save(dat, filename)[source]

Save a Data object into a NumPy .npy file.


dat : Data

Data object

filename : str

Filename of the file to save to. If the filename does not end with .npy, the .npy extension will be automatically appended.

See also



>>> io.save(dat, 'foo.npy')
>>> dat2 = io.load('foo.npy')

wyrm.plot module

Plotting methods.

This module contains various plotting methods. There are two types of plotting methods: the Primitives and the Composites. The Primitives are the most basic and offer simple, single-plot representations. The Composites are composed of several primitives and offer more complex representations.

The primitive plots are those whose name begin with ax_, (e.g. ax_scalp).

In order to get more reasonable defaults for colors etc. you can call the modules beautify() method:

from wyrm import plot


This module needs heavy reworking! We have yet to find a consistent way to handle primitive and composite plots, deal with the fact that some plots just manipulate axes, while others operate on figures and have to decide on which layer of matplotlib we want to deal with (i.e. pyplot, artist or even pylab).

The API of this module will change and you should not rely on any method here.

wyrm.plot.ax_colorbar(vmin, vmax, ax=None, label=None, ticks=None)[source]

Draw a color bar

Draws a color bar on an existing axes. The range of the colors is defined by vmin and vmax.


Unlike the colorbar method from matplotlib, this method does not automatically create a new axis for the colorbar. It will paint in the currently active axis instead, overwriting any existing plots in that axis. Make sure to create a new axis for the colorbar.


vmin, vmax : float

The minimum and maximum values for the colorbar.

ax : Axes, optional

The axes to draw the scalp plot on. If not provided, the currently activated axes (i.e. gca()) will be taken

label : string, optional

The label for the colorbar

ticks : list, optional

The tick positions


ax : Axes

the axes on which the plot was drawn

wyrm.plot.ax_scalp(v, channels, ax=None, annotate=False, vmin=None, vmax=None)[source]

Draw a scalp plot.

Draws a scalp plot on an existing axes. The method takes an array of values and an array of the corresponding channel names. It matches the channel names with an internal list of known channels and their positions to project them correctly on the scalp.


The behaviour for unkown channels is undefined.


v : 1d-array of floats

The values for the channels

channels : 1d array of strings

The corresponding channel names for the values in v

ax : Axes, optional

The axes to draw the scalp plot on. If not provided, the currently activated axes (i.e. gca()) will be taken

annotate : Boolean, optional

Draw the channel names next to the channel markers.

vmin, vmax : float, optional

The display limits for the values in v. If the data in v contains values between -3..3 and vmin and vmax are set to -1 and 1, all values smaller than -1 and bigger than 1 will appear the same as -1 and 1. If not set, the maximum absolute value in v is taken to calculate both values.


ax : Axes

the axes on which the plot was drawn

See also



Set reasonable defaults matplotlib.

This method replaces matplotlib’s default rgb/cmyk colors with the colarized colors. It also does:

  • re-orders the default color cycle
  • sets the default linewidth
  • replaces the defaault ‘RdBu’ cmap
  • sets the default cmap to ‘RdBu’


You can safely call beautify right after you’ve imported the plot module.

>>> from wyrm import plot
>>> plot.beautify()
wyrm.plot.calc_centered_grid(cols_list, hpad=0.05, vpad=0.05)[source]

Calculates a centered grid of Rectangles and their positions.


cols_list : [int]

List of ints. Every entry represents a row with as many channels as the value.

hpad : float, optional

The amount of horizontal padding (default: 0.05).

vpad : float, optional

The amount of vertical padding (default: 0.05).


[[float, float, float, float]] :

A list of all rectangle positions in the form of [xi, xy, width, height] sorted from top left to bottom right.


Calculates a centered grid with 3 rows of 4, 3 and 2 columns

>>> calc_centered_grid([4, 3, 2])

Calculates a centered grid with more padding

>>> calc_centered_grid([5, 4], hpad=.1, vpad=.75)

Return the x/y position of a channel.

This method calculates the stereographic projection of a channel from CHANNEL_10_20, suitable for a scalp plot.


channame : str

Name of the channel, the search is case insensitive.


x, y : float or None

The projected point on the plane if the point is known, otherwise None


>>> plot.get_channelpos('C2')
(0.1720792096741632, 0.0)
>>> # the channels are case insensitive
>>> plot.get_channelpos('c2')
(0.1720792096741632, 0.0)
>>> # lookup for an invalid channel
>>> plot.get_channelpos('foo')
wyrm.plot.plot_channels(dat, chanaxis=-1, otheraxis=-2)[source]

Plot all channels for a continuous.

Parameters:dat : Data
wyrm.plot.plot_scalp(v, channels, levels=25, norm=None, ticks=None, annotate=True, position=None)[source]

Plots the values ‘v’ for channels ‘channels’ on a scalp.

Calculates the interpolation of the values v for the corresponding channels ‘channels’ and plots it as a contour plot on a scalp. The degree of gradients as well as the the appearance of the color bar can be adjusted.


v : [value]

List containing the values of the channels.

channels : [String]

List containing the channel names.

levels : int, optional

The number of automatically created levels in the contour plot (default: 25).

colormap : matplotlib.colors.colormap, optional

A colormap to define the color transitions (default: a blue-white-red colormap).

norm : matplotlib.colors.norm, optional

A norm to define the min and max values (default: ‘None’, values from -10 to 10 are assumed).

ticks : array([ints]), optional

An array with values to define the ticks on the colorbar (default: ‘None’, 3 ticks at -10, 0 and 10 are displayed).

annotate : Boolean, optional

Flag to switch channel annotations on or off (default: True).

position : [x, y, width, height], optional

A Rectangle that limits the plot to its boundaries (default: None).


(Matplotlib.Axes, Matplotlib.Axes) :

Returns a pair of Matplotlib.Axes. The first contains the plotted scalp, the second the corresponding colorbar.


Plots the values v for channels ‘channels’ on a scalp

>>> plot_scalp(v, channels)

This plot has finer gradients through increasing the levels to 50.

>>> plot_scalp(v, channels, levels=50)

This plot has a norm and ticks from 0 to 10

>>> n = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=10, clip=False)
>>> t = np.linspace(0.0, 10.0, 3, endpoint=True)
>>> plot_scalp(v, channels, norm=n, ticks=t)
wyrm.plot.plot_scalp_ti(v, channels, data, interval, scale_ti=0.1, levels=25, colormap=None, norm=None, ticks=None, annotate=True, position=None)[source]

Plots a scalp with channels on top

Plots the values v for channels ‘channels’ on a scalp as a contour plot. Additionaly plots the channels in channels_ti as a timeinterval on top of the scalp plot. The individual channels are placed over their position on the scalp.


v : [value]

List containing the values of the channels.

channels : [String]

List containing the channel names.

data : wyrm.types.Data

Data object containing the continuous data for the overlaying timeinterval plots.

interval : [begin, end)

Tuple of ints to specify the range of the overlaying timeinterval plots.

scale_ti : float, optional

The percentage to scale the overlaying timeinterval plots (default: 0.1).

levels : int, optional

The number of automatically created levels in the contour plot (default: 25).

colormap : matplotlib.colors.colormap, optional

A colormap to define the color transitions (default: a blue-white-red colormap).

norm : matplotlib.colors.norm, optional

A norm to define the min and max values. If ‘None’, values from -10 to 10 are assumed (default: None).

ticks : array([ints]), optional

An array with values to define the ticks on the colorbar (default: None, 3 ticks at -10, 0 and 10 are displayed).

annotate : Boolean, optional

Flag to switch channel annotations on or off (default: True).

position : [x, y, width, height], optional

A Rectangle that limits the plot to its boundaries (default: None).


((Matplotlib.Axes, Matplotlib.Axes), [Matplotlib.Axes]) :

Returns a tuple of first a tuple with the plotted scalp and its colorbar, then a list of all on top plotted timeintervals.


Calculate the signed r^2 values and plot them in a heatmap.


dat : Data

epoched data

wyrm.plot.plot_spectrogram(spectrogram, freqs)[source]
wyrm.plot.plot_tenten(data, highlights=None, hcolors=None, legend=False, scale=True, reg_chans=None)[source]

Plots channels on a grid system.

Iterates over every channel in the data structure. If the channelname matches a channel in the tenten-system it will be plotted in a grid of rectangles. The grid is structured like the tenten-system itself, but in a simplified manner. The rows, in which channels appear, are predetermined, the channels are ordered automatically within their respective row. Areas to highlight can be specified, those areas will be marked with colors in every timeinterval plot.


data : wyrm.types.Data

Data object containing the data to plot.

highlights : [[int, int)]

List of tuples containing the start point (included) and end point (excluded) of each area to be highlighted (default: None).

hcolors : [colors], optional

A list of colors to use for the highlight areas (default: None).

legend : Boolean, optional

Flag to switch plotting of the legend on or off (default: True).

scale : Boolean, optional

Flag to switch plotting of a scale in the top right corner of the grid (default: True)

reg_chans : [regular expressions]

A list of regular expressions. The plot will be limited to those channels matching the regular expressions.


[Matplotlib.Axes], Matplotlib.Axes :

Returns the plotted timeinterval axes as a list of Matplotlib.Axes and the plotted scale as a single Matplotlib.Axes.


Plotting of all channels within a Data object

>>> plot_tenten(data)

Plotting of all channels with a highlighted area

>>> plot_tenten(data, highlights=[[200, 400]])

Plotting of all channels beginning with ‘A’

>>> plot_tenten(data, reg_chans=['A.*'])
wyrm.plot.plot_timeinterval(data, r_square=None, highlights=None, hcolors=None, legend=True, reg_chans=None, position=None)[source]

Plots a simple time interval.

Plots all channels of either continuous data or the mean of epoched data into a single timeinterval plot.


data : wyrm.types.Data

Data object containing the data to plot.

r_square : [values], optional

List containing r_squared values to be plotted beneath the main plot (default: None).

highlights : [[int, int)]

List of tuples containing the start point (included) and end point (excluded) of each area to be highlighted (default: None).

hcolors : [colors], optional

A list of colors to use for the highlights areas (default: None).

legend : Boolean, optional

Flag to switch plotting of the legend on or off (default: True).

reg_chans : [regular expression], optional

A list of regular expressions. The plot will be limited to those channels matching the regular expressions. (default: None).

position : [x, y, width, height], optional

A Rectangle that limits the plot to its boundaries (default: None).


Matplotlib.Axes or (Matplotlib.Axes, Matplotlib.Axes) :

The Matplotlib.Axes corresponding to the plotted timeinterval and, if provided, the Axes corresponding to r_squared values.


Plots all channels contained in data with a legend.

>>> plot_timeinterval(data)

Same as above, but without the legend.

>>> plot_timeinterval(data, legend=False)

Adds r-square values to the plot.

>>> plot_timeinterval(data, r_square=[values])

Adds a highlighted area to the plot.

>>> plot_timeinterval(data, highlights=[[200, 400]])

To specify the colors of the highlighted areas use ‘hcolors’.

>>> plot_timeinterval(data, highlights=[[200, 400]], hcolors=['red'])
wyrm.plot.set_highlights(highlights, hcolors=None, set_axes=None)[source]

Sets highlights in form of vertical boxes to axes.


highlights : [(start, end)]

List of tuples containing the start point (included) and end point (excluded) of each area to be highlighted.

hcolors : [colors], optional

A list of colors to use for the highlight areas (e.g. ‘b’, ‘#eeefff’ or [R, G, B] for R, G, B = [0..1]. If left as None the colors blue, gree, red, cyan, magenta and yellow are used.

set_axes : [matplotlib.axes.Axes], optional

List of axes to highlights (default: None, all axes of the current figure will be highlighted).


To create two highlighted areas in all axes of the currently active figure. The first area from 200ms - 300ms in blue and the second area from 500ms - 600ms in green.

>>> set_highlights([[200, 300], [500, 600]])

wyrm.processing module

Processing toolbox methods.

This module contains the processing methods.

wyrm.processing.append(dat, dat2, axis=0, extra=None)[source]

Append dat2 to dat.

This method creates a copy of dat (with all attributes), concatenates dat.data and dat2.data along axis as well as dat.axes[axis] and dat2.axes[axis]. If present, it will concatenate the attributes in extra as well and return the result.

It also performs checks if the dimensions and lengths of data and axes match and test if units and names are equal.

Since append cannot know how to deal with the various attributes dat and dat2 might have, it only copies the attributes of dat and deals with the attributes it knows about, namely: data, axes, names, and units.


This method is really low level and stupid. It does not know about markers or timeaxes, etc. it just appends two data objects. If you want to append continuous or epoched data consider using append_cnt() and append_epo().


dat, dat2 : Data

axis : int, optional

the axis along which to concatenate. The default axis (0) does the right thing for continuous and epoched data as it concatenates along the time- or the class-axis respectively.

extra : list of strings, optional

a list of attributes in dat and dat2 to concatenate as well. Currently the attributes must have the types list or ndarray.


dat : Data

a copy of dat with dat2 appended


AssertionError :

if one of the following is true:
  • the dimensions of .data do not match
  • names are not equal
  • units are not equal
  • data.shape[i] are not equal for all i except i == axis
  • axes[i] are not equal for all i except i == axis

TypeError :

  • if one of the attributes in extra does not have the same type in dat and dat2
  • if one of the attributes in extra has an unsupported type


>>> # concatenate two continuous data objects, and their markers,
>>> # please note how the resulting marker is not correct, just
>>> # appended
>>> cnt.markers
[[0, 'a'], [10, 'b']]
>>> cnt2.markers
[[20, 'c'], [30, 'd']]
>>> cnt = append(cnt, cnt2, extra=['markers'])
>>> cnt.markers
[[0, 'a'], [10, 'b'], [20, 'c'], [30, 'd']]
wyrm.processing.append_cnt(dat, dat2, timeaxis=-2, extra=None)[source]

Append two continuous data objects.

This method uses append() to append to continuous data objects. It also takes care that the resulting continuous will have a correct .axes[timeaxis]. For that it uses the .fs attribute and the length of the data to recalculate the timeaxis.

If both dat and dat2 have the markers attribute, the markers will be treated properly (i.e. by moving the markers of dat2 by dat milliseconds to the right.


dat, dat2 : Data

timeaxis : int, optional

extra: list of strings, optional :


dat : Data

the resulting combination of dat and dat2


AssertionError :

if at least one of the Data parameters has not the .fs attribute or if the .fs attributes are not equal.

See also

append, append_epo


>>> cnt.axis[0]
[0, 1, 2]
>>> cnt2.axis[0]
[0, 1, 2]
>>> cnt.fs
>>> cnt = append_cnt(cnt, cnt2)
>>> cnt.axis[0]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
wyrm.processing.append_epo(dat, dat2, classaxis=0, extra=None)[source]

Append two epoched data objects.

This method just calls append(). In addition to the errors append() might throw, it will raise an error if the class_names are not equal if present in both objects.


dat, dat2 : Data

classaxis : int, optional

extra : list of strings, optional


dat : Data


ValueError :

if both objects have a class_names attribute, they must be equal

See also

append, append_cnt


>>> epo = append_epo(epo, epo2)
wyrm.processing.apply_csp(epo, filt, columns=[0, -1])[source]

Apply the CSP filter.

Apply the spacial CSP filter to the epoched data.


epo : epoched Data object

this method relies on the epo to have three dimensions in the following order: class, time, channel

filt : 2d array

the CSP filter (i.e. the v return value from calculate_csp())

columns : array of ints, optional

the columns of the filter to use. The default is the first and the last one.


epo : epoched Data object

The channels from the original have been replaced with the new virtual CSP channels.

See also



>>> w, a, d = calculate_csp(epo)
>>> epo = apply_csp(epo, w)
wyrm.processing.calculate_cca(dat_x, dat_y, timeaxis=-2)[source]

Calculate the Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA).

This method calculates the canonical correlation coefficient and corresponding weights which maximize a correlation coefficient between linear combinations of the two specified multivariable signals.


dat_x, dat_y : continuous Data object

these data should have the same length on the time axis.

timeaxis : int, optional

the index of the time axis in dat_x and dat_y.


rho : float

the canonical correlation coefficient.

w_x, w_y : 1d array

the weights for mapping from the specified multivariable signals to canonical variables.


AssertionError : :

  • dat_x and dat_y is not continuous Data object
  • the length of dat_x and dat_y is different on the timeaxis




Calculate the CCA of the specified multivariable signals.

>>> rho, w_x, w_y = calculate_cca(dat_x, dat_y)
>>> # Calculate canonical variables via obtained weights
>>> cv_x = np.dot(dat_x, w_x)
>>> cv_y = np.dot(dat_y, w_y)
wyrm.processing.calculate_classwise_average(dat, classaxis=0)[source]

Calculate the classwise average.

This method calculates the average continuous per class for all classes defined in the dat. In other words, if you have two different classes, with many continuous data per class, this method will calculate the average time course for each class and channel.


dat : Data

an epoched Data object with a .class_names attribute.

classaxis : int, optional

the axis along which to calculate the average


dat : Data

copy of dat a witht the classaxis dimension reduced to the number of different classes.


AssertionError :

if the dat has no .class_names attribute.


Split existing continuous data into two classes and calculate the average for each class.

>>> mrk_def = {'std': ['S %2i' % i for i in range(2, 7)],
...            'dev': ['S %2i' % i for i in range(12, 17)]
...           }
>>> epo = misc.segment_dat(cnt, mrk_def, [0, 660])
>>> avg_epo = calculate_classwise_average(epo)
>>> plot(avg_epo.data[0])
>>> plot(avg_epo.data[1])
wyrm.processing.calculate_csp(epo, classes=None)[source]

Calculate the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) for two classes.

This method calculates the CSP and the corresponding filters. Use the columns of the patterns and filters.


epo : epoched Data object

this method relies on the epo to have three dimensions in the following order: class, time, channel

classes : list of two ints, optional

If None the first two different class indices found in epo.axes[0] are chosen automatically otherwise the class indices can be manually chosen by setting classes


v : 2d array

the sorted spacial filters

a : 2d array

the sorted spacial patterns. Column i of a represents the pattern of the filter in column i of v.

d : 1d array

the variances of the components


AssertionError : :

  • classes is not None and has less than two elements
  • classes is not None and the first two elements are not found in the epo
  • classes is None but there are less than two different classes in the epo




Calculate the CSP for the first two classes:

>>> w, a, d = calculate_csp(epo)
>>> # Apply the first two and the last two columns of the sorted
>>> # filter to the data
>>> filtered = apply_csp(epo, w, [0, 1, -2, -1])
>>> # You'll probably want to get the log-variance along the time
>>> # axis, this should result in four numbers (one for each
>>> # channel)
>>> filtered = np.log(np.var(filtered, 0))

Select two classes manually:

>>> w, a, d = calculate_csp(epo, [2, 5])
wyrm.processing.calculate_signed_r_square(dat, classaxis=0)[source]

Calculate the signed r**2 values.

This method calculates the signed r**2 values over the epochs of the dat.


dat : Data

epoched data

classaxis : int, optional

the axis to be treatet as the classaxis


signed_r_square : ndarray

the signed r**2 values, signed_r_square has one axis less than the dat parameter, the classaxis has been removed


>>> dat.data.shape
(400, 100, 64)
>>> r = calculate_signed_r_square(dat)
>>> r.shape
(100, 64)

Compute source power co-modulation analysis (SPoC)

Computes spatial filters that optimize the co-modulation (here covariance) between the epoch-wise variance (as a proxy for spectral power) and a given target signal.

This SPoc function returns a full set of components (i.e. filters and patterns) of which the first component maximizes the co-modulation (i.e. positive covariance) and the last component minimizes it (i.e. maximizes negative covariance).


Since the covariance is optimized, it may be affected by outliers in the data (i.e. trials/epochs with very large variance that is due to artifacts). Please remove be sure to remove these epochs if possible before calling this function!


epo : epoched Data oject

this method relies on the epo to have three dimensions in the following order: class, time, channel. The data in epo should be band-pass filtered for the frequency band of interest. The values of the target variable (i.e. epo.axes[0]) must be present in epo.


v : 2d array

The spatial filters optimized by the SPoC_lambda algorithm. Each column in the matrix is a filter.

a : 2d array

The spatial activation patterns that correspond to the filters in v. Each column is a spatial pattern. when visualizing the SPoC components as scalp maps, plot the spatial patterns and not the filters. See also [R3].

d : 1d array

The lambda values that correspond to the filters/patterns in v and a, sorted from largest (positive covariance) to smallest (negative covariance).

See also



SPoC assumes that there is a linear relationship between a measured target signal and the dynamics of the spectral power of an oscillatory source that is hidden in the data. The target signal my be a stimulus property (e.g. intensity, frequency, color, ...), a behavioral measure (e.g. reaction times, ratings, ...) , or any other uni-variate signal of interest. The time-course of spectral power of the oscillatory source signal is approximated by variance across small time segments (epochs). Thus, if the power of a specific frequency band is investigated, the input signals must be band-passed filtered before they are segmented into epochs and given to this function. This method implements SPoC_lambda, presented in [R2]. Thus, source activity is extracted from the input data via spatial filtering. The spatial filters are optimized such that the epoch-wise variance maximally covaries with the given target signal z.


[R2](1, 2) S. Dähne, F. C. Meinecke, S. Haufe, J. Höhne, M. Tangermann, K. R. Müller, V. V. Nikulin “SPoC: a novel framework for relating the amplitude of neuronal oscillations to behaviorally relevant parameters”, NeuroImage, 86(0):111-122, 2014
[R3](1, 2) S. Haufe, F. Meinecke, K. Görgen, S. Dähne, J. Haynes, B. Blankertz, F. Biessmann, “On the interpretation of weight vectors of linear models in multivariate neuroimaging”, NeuroImage, 87:96-110, 2014


Split data in training and test set

Calculate SPoC:

>>> w, a, d = calculate_spoc(epo)

Identify the components with strongest co-modulation by checking the covariance values stored in d. If there is positive covariance with the target variable it will be the first, otherwise the last:

>>> w = w[:, 0]

Apply the filter(s) to the test data:

>>> filtered = np.dot(data, w)
wyrm.processing.clear_markers(dat, timeaxis=-2)[source]

Remove markers that are outside of the dat time interval.

This method removes the markers that are out of the time interval described in the dat object.

If the dat object has not markers attribute or the markers are empty, simply a copy of dat is returned.

If dat.data is empty, but has markers, all markers are removed.


dat : Data

timeaxis : int, optional


dat : Data

a copy of the Data object, with the respective markers removed


AssertionError :

if the given dat has not fs attribute


>>> dat.axes[0]
array([-5., -4., -3., -2., -1.,  0.,  1.,  2.,  3.,  4.])
>>> dat.fs
>>> dat.markers
[[-6, 'a'], [-5, 'b'], [0, 'c'], [4.9999, 'd'], [5, 'e']]
>>> dat = clear_markers(dat)
>>> dat.markers
[[-5, 'b'], [0, 'c'], [4.9999, 'd']]
wyrm.processing.correct_for_baseline(dat, ival, timeaxis=-2)[source]

Subtract the baseline.

For each epoch and channel in the given dat, this method calculates the average value for the given interval and subtracts this value from the channel data within this epoch and channel.

This method generalizes to dats with more than 3 dimensions.


dat : Dat

ival : array of two floats

the start and stop borders in milli seconds. the left border is included, the right border is not: [start, stop). ival[0] must fit into dat.axes[timeaxis] and ival[0] <= ival[1].

timeaxis : int, optional

the axis along which to correct for the baseline


dat : Dat

a copy of dat with the averages of the intervals subtracted.


AssertionError :

If the left border of ival is outside of dat.axes[timeaxis] or if ival[1] < ival[0].

See also

numpy.average, numpy.expand_dims


The Algorithm calculates the average(s) along the timeaxis within the given interval. The resulting array has one dimension less than the original one (the elements on timeaxis where reduced).

The resulting avgarray is then subtracted from the original data. To match the shape, a new axis is created on timeaxis of avgarray. And the shapes are then matched via numpy’s broadcasting.


Remove the baselines for the interval [100, 0)

>>> dat = correct_for_baseline(dat, [-100, 0])
wyrm.processing.create_feature_vectors(dat, classaxis=0)[source]

Create feature vectors from epoched data.

This method flattens a Data objects down to 2 dimensions: the first one for the classes and the second for the feature vectors. All surplus dimensions of the dat argument are clashed into the appropriate class.


dat : Data

classaxis : int, optional

the index of the class axis


dat : Data

a copy of dat with reshaped to 2 dimensions and with the classaxis moved to dimension 0


>>> dat.shape
(300, 2, 64)
>>> dat = create_feature_vectors(dat)
>>> dat.shape
(300, 128)
wyrm.processing.filtfilt(dat, b, a, timeaxis=-2)[source]

A forward-backward filter.

Filter data twice, once forward and once backwards, using the filter defined by the filter coefficients.

This method mainly delegates the call to scipy.signal.filtfilt().


dat : Data

the data to be filtered

b : 1-d array

the numerator coefficient vector

a : 1-d array

the denominator coefficient vector

timeaxis : int, optional

the axes in data to filter along to


dat : Data

the filtered output

See also



Generate and use a Butterworth bandpass filter for complete (off-line data):

>>> # the sampling frequency of our data in Hz
>>> dat.fs
>>> # calculate the nyquist frequency
>>> fn = dat.fs / 2
>>> # the desired low and high frequencies in Hz
>>> f_low, f_high = 2, 13
>>> # the order of the filter
>>> butter_ord = 4
>>> # calculate the filter coefficients
>>> b, a = signal.butter(butter_ord, [f_low / fn, f_high / fn], btype='band')
>>> filtered = filtfilt(dat, b, a)
wyrm.processing.jumping_means(dat, ivals, timeaxis=-2)[source]

Calculate the jumping means.


dat : Data

ivals : array of [float, float]

the intervals for which to calculate the means. Start is included end is not (like [start, end)).

timeaxis : int, optional

the axis along which to calculate the jumping means


dat : Data

copy of dat with the jumping means along the timeaxis. dat.name[timeaxis] and dat.axes[timeaxis] Are modified too to reflect the intervals used for the data points.

wyrm.processing.lda_apply(fv, clf)[source]

Apply feature vector to LDA classifier.


fv : Data object

the feature vector must have a 2 dimensional data, the first dimension being the class axis.

clf : (1d array, float)


out : 1d array

The projection of the data on the hyperplane.

See also



>>> clf = lda_train(fv_train)
>>> out = lda_apply(fv_test, clf)
wyrm.processing.lda_train(fv, shrink=False)[source]

Train the LDA classifier.


fv : Data object

the feature vector must have 2 dimensional data, the first dimension being the class axis. The unique class labels must be 0 and 1 otherwise a ValueError will be raised.

shrink : Boolean, optional

use shrinkage


w : 1d array

b : float


ValueError : if the class labels are not exactly 0s and 1s

See also



>>> clf = lda_train(fv_train)
>>> out = lda_apply(fv_test, clf)
wyrm.processing.lfilter(dat, b, a, zi=None, timeaxis=-2)[source]

Filter data using the filter defined by the filter coefficients.

This method mainly delegates the call to scipy.signal.lfilter().


dat : Data

the data to be filtered

b : 1-d array

the numerator coefficient vector

a : 1-d array

the denominator coefficient vector

zi : nd array, optional

the initial conditions for the filter delay. If zi is None or not given, initial rest is assumed.

timeaxis : int, optional

the axes in data to filter along to


dat : Data

the filtered output

See also

lfilter_zi(), filtfilt(), scipy.signal.lfilter(), scipy.signal.butter(), scipy.signal.butterord()


Generate and use a Butterworth bandpass filter for complete (off-line data):

>>> # the sampling frequency of our data in Hz
>>> dat.fs
>>> # calculate the nyquist frequency
>>> fn = dat.fs / 2
>>> # the desired low and high frequencies in Hz
>>> f_low, f_high = 2, 13
>>> # the order of the filter
>>> butter_ord = 4
>>> # calculate the filter coefficients
>>> b, a = signal.butter(butter_ord, [f_low / fn, f_high / fn], btype='band')
>>> filtered = lfilter(dat, b, a)

Similar to the above this time in an on-line setting:

>>> # pre-calculate the filter coefficients and the initial filter
>>> # state
>>> b, a = signal.butter(butter_ord, [f_low / fn, f_high / fn], btype='band')
>>> zi = proc.lfilter_zi(b, a, len(CHANNELS))
>>> while 1:
...     data, markers = amp.get_data()
...     # convert incoming data into ``Data`` object
...     cnt = Data(data, ...)
...     # filter the data, note how filter now also returns the
...     # filter state which we feed back into the next call of
...     # ``filter``
...     cnt, zi = lfilter(cnt, b, a, zi=zi)
...     ...
wyrm.processing.lfilter_zi(b, a, n=1)[source]

Compute an initial state zi for the lfilter() function.

When n == 1 (default), this method mainly delegates the call to scipy.signal.lfilter_zi() and returns the result zi. If n > 1, zi is repeated n times. This is useful if you want to filter n-dimensional data like multi channel EEG.


b, a : 1-d array

The IIR filter coefficients

n : int, optional

The desired width of the output vector. If n == 1 the output is simply the 1d zi vector. For n > 1, the zi vector is repeated n times.


zi : n-d array

The initial state of the filter.

See also

lfilter(), scipy.signal.lfilter_zi()


>>> # pre-calculate the filter coefficients and the initial filter
>>> # state
>>> b, a = signal.butter(butter_ord, [f_low / fn, f_high / fn], btype='band')
>>> zi = proc.lfilter_zi(b, a, len(CHANNELS))
>>> while 1:
...     data, markers = amp.get_data()
...     # convert incoming data into ``Data`` object
...     cnt = Data(data, ...)
...     # filter the data, note how filter now also returns the
...     # filter state which we feed back into the next call of
...     # ``filter``
...     cnt, zi = lfilter(cnt, b, a, zi=zi)
...     ...

Computes the element wise natural logarithm of dat.data.

Calling this method is equivalent to calling

>>> dat.copy(data=np.log(dat.data))

dat : Data

a Data object


dat : Data

a copy of dat with the element wise natural logarithms of the values in .data

See also



Calculate the absolute values in dat.data.


dat : Data


dat : Data

a copy of dat with all values absolute in .data


>>> print np.average(dat.data)
>>> dat = rectify_channels(dat)
>>> print np.average(dat.data)
wyrm.processing.remove_channels(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Remove channels from data.

This method just calls select_channels() with the same parameters and the invert parameter set to True.


dat : Data

A copy of the dat with the channels removed.

See also

Select Channels
wyrm.processing.remove_classes(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Remove classes from an epoched Data object.

This method just calls select_epochs() with the inverse parameter set to True.


dat : Data

copy of Data object with the classes removed

See also


wyrm.processing.remove_epochs(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Remove epochs from an epoched Data object.

This method just calls select_epochs() with the inverse paramerter set to True.


dat : Data

epoched Data object with the epochs removed

See also


wyrm.processing.segment_dat(dat, marker_def, ival, newsamples=None, timeaxis=-2)[source]

Convert a continuous data object to an epoched one.

Given a continuous data object, a definition of classes, and an interval, this method looks for markers as defined in marker_def and slices the dat according to the time interval given with ival along the timeaxis. The returned dat object stores those slices and the class each slice belongs to.

Epochs that are too close to the borders and thus too short are ignored.

If the segmentation does not result in any epochs (i.e. the markers in marker_def could not be found in dat, the resulting dat.data will be an empty array.

This method is also suitable for online processing, please read the documentation for the newsamples parameter and have a look at the Examples below.


dat : Data

the data object to be segmented

marker_def : dict

The keys are class names, the values are lists of markers

ival : [int, int]

The interval in milliseconds to cut around the markers. I.e. to get the interval starting with the marker plus the remaining 100ms define the interval like [0, 100]. The start point is included, the endpoint is not (like: [start, end)). To get 200ms before the marker until 100ms after the marker do: [-200, 100] Only negative or positive values are possible (i.e. [-500, -100])

newsamples : int, optional

consider the last newsamples samples as new data and only return epochs which are possible with the old and the new data (i.e. don’t include epochs which where possible without the new data).

If this parameter is None (default) segment_dat will always process the whole dat, this is what you want for offline experiments where you process the whole data from a file at once. In online experiments however one usually gets the data incrementally, stores it in a ringbuffer to get the last n milliseconds. Consequently segment_dat gets overlapping data in each iteration (the amount of overlap is exactly the data - the new samples. To make sure each epoch appears only once within all iterations, segment_dat needs to know the number of new samples.

timeaxis : int, optional

the axis along which the segmentation will take place


dat : Data

a copy of the resulting epoched data.


AssertionError :

  • if dat has not .fs or .markers attribute or if ival[0] > ival[1].
  • if newsamples is not None or positive


Offline Experiment

>>> # Define the markers belonging to class 1 and 2
>>> md = {'class 1': ['S1', 'S2'],
...       'class 2': ['S3', 'S4']
...      }
>>> # Epoch the data -500ms and +700ms around the markers defined in
>>> # md
>>> epo = segment_dat(cnt, md, [-500, 700])

Online Experiment

>>> # Define the markers belonging to class 1 and 2
>>> md = {'class 1': ['S1', 'S2'],
...       'class 2': ['S3', 'S4']
...      }
>>> # define the interval to epoch around a marker
>>> ival = [0, 300]
>>> while 1:
...     dat, mrk = amp.get_data()
...     newsamples = len(dat)
...     # the ringbuffer shall keep the last 2000 milliseconds,
...     # which is way bigger than our ival...
...     ringbuffer.append(dat, mrk)
...     cnt, mrk = ringbuffer.get()
...     # cnt contains now data up to 2000 millisecons, to make sure
...     # we don't see old markers again and again until they where
...     # pushed out of the ringbuffer, we need to tell segment_dat
...     # how many samples of cnt are actually new
...     epo = segment_dat(cnt, md, ival, newsamples=newsamples)
wyrm.processing.select_channels(dat, regexp_list, invert=False, chanaxis=-1)[source]

Select channels from data.

The matching is case-insensitive and locale-aware (as in re.IGNORECASE and re.LOCALE). The regular expression always has to match the whole channel name string


dat : Data

regexp_list : list of regular expressions

The regular expressions provided, are used directly by Python’s re module, so all regular expressions which are understood by this module are allowed.

Internally the re.match() method is used, additionally to check for a match (which also matches substrings), it is also checked if the whole string matched the pattern.

invert : Boolean, optional

If True the selection is inverted. Instead of selecting specific channels, you are removing the channels. (default: False)

chanaxis : int, optional

the index of the channel axis in dat (default: -1)


dat : Data

A copy of dat with the channels, matched by the list of regular expressions.

See also

Remove Channels
Python’s Regular Expression module for more information about regular expressions.


Select all channels Matching ‘af.*’ or ‘fc.*’

>>> dat_new = select_channels(dat, ['af.*', 'fc.*'])

Remove all channels Matching ‘emg.*’ or ‘eog.*’

>>> dat_new = select_channels(dat, ['emg.*', 'eog.*'], invert=True)

Even if you only provide one Regular expression, it has to be in an array:

>>> dat_new = select_channels(dat, ['af.*'])
wyrm.processing.select_classes(dat, indices, invert=False, classaxis=0)[source]

Select classes from an epoched data object.

This method selects the classes with the specified indices.


dat : Data

epoched Data object

indices : array of ints

The indices of the classes to select.

invert : Boolean, optional

if true keep all classes except the ones defined by indices.

classaxis : int, optional

the axis along which the classes are selected


dat : Data

a copy of the epoched data with only the selected classes included.


AssertionError :

if dat has no .class_names attribute.

See also



Get the classes 1 and 2.

>>> dat.axes[0]
[0, 0, 1, 2, 2]
>>> dat = select_classes(dat, [1, 2])
>>> dat.axes[0]
[1, 2, 2]

Remove class 2

>>> dat.axes[0]
[0, 0, 1, 2, 2]
>>> dat = select_classes(dat, [2], invert=True)
>>> dat.axes[0]
[0, 0, 1]
wyrm.processing.select_epochs(dat, indices, invert=False, classaxis=0)[source]

Select epochs from an epoched data object.

This method selects the epochs with the specified indices.


dat : Data

epoched Data object with an .class_names attribute

indices : array of ints

The indices of the elements to select.

invert : Boolean, optional

if true keep all elements except the ones defined by indices.

classaxis : int, optional

the axis along which the epochs are selected


dat : Data

a copy of the epoched data with only the selected epochs included.


AssertionError :

if dat has no .class_names attribute.

See also



Get the first three epochs.

>>> dat.axes[0]
[0, 0, 1, 2, 2]
>>> dat = select_epochs(dat, [0, 1, 2])
>>> dat.axes[0]
[0, 0, 1]

Remove the fourth epoch

>>> dat.axes[0]
[0, 0, 1, 2, 2]
>>> dat = select_epochs(dat, [3], invert=True)
>>> dat.axes[0]
[0, 0, 1, 2]
wyrm.processing.select_ival(dat, ival, timeaxis=-2)[source]

Select interval from data.

This method selects the time segment(s) defined by ival. It will also automatically remove markers outside of the desired interval in the returned Data object.


dat : Data

ival : list of two floats

Start and end in milliseconds. Start is included end is excluded (like [stard, end)]

timeaxis : int, optional

the axis along which the intervals are selected


dat : Data

a copy of dat with the selected time intervals.


AssertionError :

if the given interval does not fit into dat.axes[timeaxis] or ival[0] > ival[1].


Select the first 200ms of the epoched data:

>>> dat.fs
>>> dat2 = select_ival(dat, [0, 200])
>>> print dat2.t[0], dat2.t[-1]
0. 199.
wyrm.processing.sort_channels(dat, chanaxis=-1)[source]

Sort channels.

This method sorts the channels in the dat according to the 10-20 system, from frontal to occipital and within the rows from left to right. The method uses the CHANNEL_10_20 list and relies on the elements in that list to be sorted correctly. This method will put unknown channel names to the back of the resulting list.

The channel matching is case agnostic.


dat : Data object

chanaxis : int, optional

the index of the channel axis in dat


dat : Data object

a copy of the dat parameter with the channels and data sorted.


>>> dat.axes[-1]
array(['PPO4' 'CP4' 'PCP1' 'F5' 'C3' 'C4' 'O1' 'PPO2' 'FFC2' 'FAF5'
    'PO1' 'TP10' 'FAF1' 'FFC6' 'FFC1' 'PO10' 'O10' 'C1' 'Cz' 'F2'
    'CFC1' 'CCP2' 'F4' 'PO9' 'CFC6' 'TP7' 'FC6' 'AF8' 'Fz' 'AF4'
    'PCP9' 'F6' 'FT10' 'FAF6' 'PO5' 'O2' 'OPO2' 'AF5' 'C2' 'P4'
    'TP9' 'PCP7' 'FT8' 'A2' 'PO6' 'FC3' 'PPO1' 'CCP8' 'OPO1' 'AFp2'
    'OI2' 'OI1' 'FCz' 'CCP6' 'CCP1' 'CPz' 'POz' 'FFC3' 'FFC7' 'FC2'
    'F1' 'FT9' 'P2' 'P10' 'T9' 'FC1' 'C5' 'T7' 'CFC4' 'P6' 'F8'
    'TP8' 'CFC5' 'PCP8' 'CFC9' 'AF7' 'FC5' 'I1' 'CFC8' 'FFC8' 'Oz'
    'Pz' 'PCP4' 'FAF2' 'PCP5' 'CP1' 'PCP3' 'P1' 'Iz' 'CCP5' 'PO2'
    'PCP2' 'PO4' 'Fpz' 'F7' 'PO8' 'AFz' 'F10' 'FFC10' 'CCP3' 'PPO8'
    'T10' 'AF6' 'F9' 'PPO5' 'CP6' 'I2' 'PPO7' 'FC4' 'CCP4' 'PO7'
    'A1' 'CP2' 'CFC3' 'T8' 'PPO3' 'Fp2' 'PCP6' 'AFp1' 'C6' 'FFC9'
    'FT7' 'AF3' 'Fp1' 'CFC10' 'CCP7' 'CFC7' 'PO3' 'P7' 'P9' 'FFC4'
    'P5' 'CFC2' 'F3' 'CP3' 'PPO6' 'P3' 'O9' 'PCP10' 'P8' 'CP5'
    'FFC5'], dtype='|S5')
>>> dat = sort_channels(dat)
>>> dat.axes[-1]
array(['Fpz', 'Fp1', 'AFp1', 'AFp2', 'Fp2', 'AF7', 'AF5', 'AF3',
    'AFz', 'AF4', 'AF6', 'AF8', 'FAF5', 'FAF1', 'FAF2', 'FAF6',
    'F9', 'F7', 'F5', 'F3', 'F1', 'Fz', 'F2', 'F4', 'F6', 'F8',
    'F10', 'FFC9', 'FFC7', 'FFC5', 'FFC3', 'FFC1', 'FFC2', 'FFC4',
    'FFC6', 'FFC8', 'FFC10', 'FT9', 'FT7', 'FC5', 'FC3', 'FC1',
    'FCz', 'FC2', 'FC4', 'FC6', 'FT8', 'FT10', 'CFC9', 'CFC7',
    'CFC5', 'CFC3', 'CFC1', 'CFC2', 'CFC4', 'CFC6', 'CFC8', 'CFC10',
    'T9', 'T7', 'C5', 'C3', 'C1', 'Cz', 'C2', 'C4', 'C6', 'T8',
    'T10', 'A1', 'CCP7', 'CCP5', 'CCP3', 'CCP1', 'CCP2', 'CCP4',
    'CCP6', 'CCP8', 'A2', 'TP9', 'TP7', 'CP5', 'CP3', 'CP1', 'CPz',
    'CP2', 'CP4', 'CP6', 'TP8', 'TP10', 'PCP9', 'PCP7', 'PCP5',
    'PCP3', 'PCP1', 'PCP2', 'PCP4', 'PCP6', 'PCP8', 'PCP10', 'P9',
    'P7', 'P5', 'P3', 'P1', 'Pz', 'P2', 'P4', 'P6', 'P8', 'P10',
    'PPO7', 'PPO5', 'PPO3', 'PPO1', 'PPO2', 'PPO4', 'PPO6', 'PPO8',
    'PO9', 'PO7', 'PO5', 'PO3', 'PO1', 'POz', 'PO2', 'PO4', 'PO6',
    'PO8', 'PO10', 'OPO1', 'OPO2', 'O9', 'O1', 'O2', 'O10', 'Oz',
    'OI1', 'OI2', 'I1', 'Iz', 'I2'], dtype='|S5')

Calculate the spectrogram of a continuous data object.

See also

spectrum, stft

wyrm.processing.spectrum(dat, timeaxis=-2)[source]

Calculate the spectrum of a data object.

This method performs a fast fourier transform on the data along the timeaxis and returns a new Data object which is transformed into the frequency domain. The values are the amplitudes of of the respective frequencies.


dat : Data

Data object with .fs attribute

timeaxis : int, optional

axis to perform the fft along


dat : Data

Data object with the timeaxis transformed into the frequency domain. The values of the spectrum are the amplitudes of the respective frequencies.


AssertionError :

if the dat parameter has no .fs attribute

See also

spectrogram, stft


>>> # dat can be continuous or epoched
>>> dat.axes
['time', 'channel']
>>> spm = spectrum(dat)
>>> spm.axes
['frequency', 'channel']

Computes the element wise square of dat.data.

Calling this method is equivalent to calling

>>> dat.copy(data=np.square(dat.data))

dat : Data

a Data object


dat : Data

a copy of dat with the element wise squares of the values in .data

See also


wyrm.processing.stft(x, width)[source]

Short time fourier transform of a real sequence.

This method performs a discrete short time Fourier transform. It uses a sliding window to perform discrete Fourier transforms on the data in the Window. The results are returned in an array.

This method uses a Hanning window on the data in the window before calculating the Fourier transform.

The sliding windows are overlapping by width / 2.


x : ndarray

width: int :

the width of the sliding window in samples


fourier : 2d complex array

the dimensions are time, frequency; the frequencies are evenly binned from 0 to f_nyquist

See also

spectrum, spectrogram, scipy.hanning, scipy.fftpack.rfft

wyrm.processing.subsample(dat, freq, timeaxis=-2)[source]

Subsample the data to freq Hz.

This method subsamples data along timeaxis by taking every n th element starting with the first one and n being dat.fs / freq. Please note that freq must be a whole number divisor of dat.fs.


Note that this method does not low-pass filter the data before sub-sampling.


If you use this method in an on-line setting (i.e. where you process the data in chunks and not as a whole), you should make sure that subsample does not drop “half samples” by ensuring the source data’s length is in multiples of the target data’s sample length.

Let’s assume your source data is sampled in 1kHz and you want to subsample down to 100Hz. One sample of the source data is 1ms long, while the target samples will be 10ms long. In order to ensure that subsample does not eat fractions of samples at the end of your data, you have to make sure that your source data is multiples of 10ms (i.e. 1010, 1020, etc) long. You might want to use wyrm.types.BlockBuffer for this (see Examples below).


dat : Data

Data object with .fs attribute

freq : float

the target frequency in Hz

timeaxis : int, optional

the axis along which to subsample


dat : Data

copy of dat with subsampled frequency


AssertionError :

  • if freq is not a whole number divisor of dat.fs
  • if dat has no .fs attribute
  • if dat.data.shape[timeaxis] != len(dat.axes[timeaxis])

See also



Load some EEG data with 1kHz, bandpass filter it and downsample it to 100Hz.

>>> dat = load_brain_vision_data('some/path')
>>> dat.fs
>>> fn = dat.fs / 2 # nyquist frequ
>>> b, a = butter(4, [8 / fn, 40 / fn], btype='band')
>>> dat = lfilter(dat, b, a)
>>> dat = subsample(dat, 100)
>>> dat.fs

Online Experiment

>>> bbuffer = BlockBuffer(10) # 10 ms is the target block size
>>> while 1:
...     cnt = ... # get 1kHz continous data from your amp
...     # put the data into the block buffer
...     # bbget will onlry return the data in multiples of 10ms or
...     # nothing
...     bbuffer.append(cnt)
...     cnt = bbuffer.get()
...     if not cnt:
...         continue
...     # filter, etc
...     subsample(cnt, 100)
wyrm.processing.swapaxes(dat, ax1, ax2)[source]

Swap axes of a Data object.

This method swaps two axes of a Data object by swapping the appropriate .data, .names, .units, and .axes.


dat : Data

ax1, ax2 : int

the indices of the axes to swap


dat : Data

a copy of dat with the appropriate axes swapped.

See also



>>> dat.names
['time', 'channels']
>>> dat = swapaxes(dat, 0, 1)
>>> dat.names
['channels', 'time']
wyrm.processing.variance(dat, timeaxis=-2)[source]

Compute the variance along the timeaxis of dat.

This method reduces the dimensions of dat.data by one.


dat : Data


dat : Data

copy of dat with with the variance along the timeaxis removed and timeaxis removed.


>>> epo.names
['class', 'time', 'channel']
>>> var = variance(cnt)
>>> var.names
['class', 'channel']

wyrm.types module

Data type definitions.

This module provides the basic data types for Wyrm, like the Data and RingBuffer classes.

class wyrm.types.BlockBuffer(samples=50)[source]

Bases: object

A buffer that returns data chunks in multiples of a block length.

This buffer is a first-in-first-out (FIFO) buffer that returns data in multiples of a desired block length. The block length is defined in samples.


samples : int, optional

the desired block length in samples


>>> bbuffer = BlockBuffer(10)
>>> ...
>>> while 1:
... cnt = some_aquisition_method()
... # How to use the BlockBuffer
... bbuffer.append(cnt)
... cnt = bbuffer.get()
... if not cnt:
...     continue
... # after here cnt is guaranteed to be in multiples of 10 samples

Append data to the Block Buffer.

This method accumulates the incoming data.


dat : Data

continuous Data object


Pop the contents of the Block Buffer.

The data returned has a length of multiples of samples. If there is a fraction of samples data more in the buffer, that data is kept and future append() operations will append new data to it.


dat : Data

continuous Data object

class wyrm.types.Data(data, axes, names, units)[source]

Bases: object

Generic, self-describing data container.

This data structure is very generic on purpose. The goal here was to provide something which can fit the various different known and yet unknown requirements for BCI algorithms.

At the core of Data is its n-dimensional .data attribute which holds the actual data. Along with the data, there is meta information about each axis of the data, contained in .axes, .names, and .units.

Most toolbox methods rely on a convention how specific data should be structured (i.e. they assume that the channels are always in the last dimension). You don’t have to follow this convention (or sometimes it might not even be possible when trying out new things), and all methods, provide an optional parameter to tell them on which axis they should work on.

Continuous Data:
Continuous Data is usually EEG data and consists of a 2d array [time, channel]. Whenever you have continuous data, time and channel should be the last two dimensions.
Epoched Data:
Epoched data can be seen as an array of (non-epoched) data. The epoch should always be the first dimension. Most commonly used is epoched continuous EEG data which looks like this: [class, time, channel].
Feature Vector:
Similar to Epoched Data, with classes in the first dimension.

Data.__eq__() and Data.__ne__() functions are provided to test for equality of two Data objects (via == and !=). This method only checks for the known attributes and does not guaranty correct result if the Data object contains custom attributes. It is mainly used in unittests.


data : ndarray

axes : nlist of 1darrays

names : nlist of strings

units : nlist of strings


data ndarray n-dimensional data array if the array is empty (i.e. data.size == 0), the Data object is assumed to be empty
axes nlist of 1-darrays each element of corresponds to a dimension of .data (i.e. the first one in .axes to the first dimension in .data and so on). The 1-dimensional arrays contain the description of the data along the appropriate axis in .data. For example if .data contains Continuous Data, then .axes[0] should be an array of timesteps and .axes[1] an array of channel names
names nlist of strings the human readable description of each axis, like ‘time’, or ‘channel’
units nlist of strings the human readable description of the unit used for the data in .axes

Return a memory efficient deep copy of self.

It first creates a shallow copy of self, sets the attributes in kwargs if necessary and returns a deep copy of the resulting object.


kwargs : dict, optional

if provided copy will try to overwrite the name, value pairs after the shallow- and before the deep copy. If no kwargs are provided, it will just return the deep copy.


dat : Data

a deep copy of self.


>>> # perform an ordinary deep copy of dat
>>> dat2 = dat.copy()
>>> # perform a deep copy but overwrite .axes first
>>> dat.axes
['time', 'channels']
>>> dat3 = dat.copy(axes=['foo'], ['bar'])
>>> dat3.axes
['foo', 'bar']
>>> dat.axes
['time', 'channel']
class wyrm.types.RingBuffer(length_ms)[source]

Bases: object

Circular Buffer implementation.

This implementation has a guaranteed upper bound for read and write operations as well as a constant memory usage, which is the size of the maximum length of the buffer in memory.

Reading and writing will take at most the time it takes to copy a continuous chunk of length MAXLEN in memory. E.g. for the extreme case of storing the last 60 seconds of 64bit data, sampled with 1kHz and 128 channels (~60MB), reading a full buffer will take ~25ms, as well as writing when storing more than than 60 seconds at once. Writing will be usually much faster, as one stores usually only a few milliseconds of data per run. In that case writing will be a fraction of a millisecond.


length_ms : int

the length of the ring buffer in milliseconds


>>> rb = RingBuffer(length)
>>> while True:
...     rb.append(amp.get_data())
...     buffered = rb.get()
...     # do something with buffered


length_ms int the length of the ring buffer in milliseconds
length int the length of the ring buffer in samples
data ndarray the contents of the ring buffer, you should not read or write this attribute directly but via the RingBuffer.get() and RingBuffer.append() methods
markers array of [int, str] the markers belonging to the data currently in the ring buffer
full boolean indicates if the buffer has at least length elements stored
idx int the starting position of the oldest data in the ring buffer

Append data to the Ringbuffer, overwriting old data if necessary.


dat : Data

a continuous data object


ValueError :

if the [1:]-dimensions (all but the first one) of data does not match the ring buffer dimensions


Get all buffered data.

The returned data will have at most the length of length.


data : Data

the full contents of the ring buffer

Module contents

This is Wyrm.

Some words describing the Wyrm package.

Table Of Contents