
This module provides the AmpDecorator class.

As a user, it is very unlikely that you’ll have to deal with it directly. Its main purpose is to add additional functionality to the low level amplifier drivers. This functionality includes features like: saving data to a file. or being able to receive marker via TCP/IP.

By using the libmushu.__init__.get_amp() method, you’ll automatically receive decorated amplifiers.


Event() Returns an event object
Queue([maxsize]) Returns a queue object
tcp_reader(queue, running, ready) Marker-reading process.


AmpDecorator(ampcls) This class ‘decorates’ the Low-Level Amplifier classes with TCP-Marker and Save-To-File functionality.
Amplifier Amplifier base class.
Process([group, target, name, args, kwargs]) Process objects represent activity that is run in a separate process

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